Part III. The Only Way the Democrats Can Decisively Defeat Trump and MAGA
Part III: Specific Public High School Curriculum Reform.
High Knowledge Qualification Requirements for all Political Candidates.
It is extremely important to indicate which courses would be included in an enlightened high school curriculum. They would be the following four-year courses, in addition to the traditional ones such as English, math, and the sciences: 1) psychology, accompanied by group therapy workshops and good parenting workshops; 2) economics and stock market investing with workshops, while subjecting all mainstream economic theories (such as the effects of budget deficits on interest rates and inflation, and the causes of inflation) to the test of rigorous logic and statistical history: wherever mainstream economic theories are not confirmed by statistical history, as occurs very frequently, they must be carefully analyzed and discarded when fallacies are discovered; 3) 20th and 21st Century world history in great detail; 4) logic and critical thinking, with case studies; 5) empathy and ethics/morality, with case studies; 6) introductory law, including constitutional law, with case studies, while exploring why slavery in the U.S. existed for 70 years after the Declaration of Independence stated that “all men are created equal, with the unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, a stark contradiction; 7) history of art, architecture and design; 8) history of music; 9) comparative religion, with rigorous analysis of the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Koran, along with the history of the three monotheistic religions and their serious violations of human rights; 10) the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Charter, accompanied by the world history of human rights violations and violations of the UN Charter; 11) foreign languages and cultures (in order not to be “ugly Americans”); 12) marketing and advertising.
Who can logically deny that having such a curriculum in all our high schools would lead to a much better educated citizenry and to the practical disappearance of poverty, addiction, violence of all sorts (including gun violence, which is tightly connected to psychological problems as well as a low level of education), unwanted pregnancies and abortions, and of illegal discriminations (including racial, religious, gender, and sexuality discriminations), and lead to a much more prosperous, harmonious, psychologically well-adjusted society, with no serious political or social conflicts? Hardly any logical Democrats or Republicans would object to such an education reform. Who can reasonably argue against all our youth getting a very solid, broad educational base in high school, as opposed to the narrow, mediocre one most of our youths get? There would be no more misguided debates on guns or abortion, or on income inequality or soaking the rich, when every single American youth gets a truly excellent, enlightened education. Educational parity at a high level is an absolute requirement for a prosperous and ethical society. Harris and Walz must push forcefully for it. That would greatly raise their popularity and public esteem.
Harris and Walz should also assert that ignoramuses should be disqualified from political office. That just as doctors, lawyers, engineers, architects, airline pilots, and accountants need to obtain a specialized degree and pass state exams before being allowed to practice their profession, political candidates should be required to prove they are educationally qualified at a very high level before running for office. After all, they have the nation’s economic, social, and foreign policy success in their hands. Harris and Walz should encourage our top universities to quickly create a specialized, highly demanding 4-year post-graduate degree specially devised for political candidates, preparing them to be highly qualified in economic, social, and foreign policy. Only when all our political candidates have such an advanced degree in addition to having benefitted along with all our citizens from a truly enlightened high school curriculum, only then will we have very competent and moral governments. And only then will we have a highly prosperous, psychologically well-adjusted, honest, highly ethical, logical, truly well-educated and well-informed happy nation, with no serious political or social divisions.
© Edward Sonnino 2024
August 17, 2024